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BizGrowth Awards

BizGrowth Awards

02920 601 125

Business Growth Awards South Wales identify and celebrate the pioneers and the creativity of business.


Business Website Address
Post Code
CF10 2HH



We make IT & Telecoms easy for our end users

Business Address
Pencoed Technology Centre, Pencoed Technology Park, Sony UK, Bridgend
Post Code
CF35 5HZ

K9 Protection Ltd

01633 504543
Business Website Address
Post Code
Np20 2DR
Paul Fears Photography

Paul Fears Photography

Our clients include the BBC Worldwide, Lloyds Bank, Santander Bank, Dunelm, Wooden Spoon, Bunting Magnetics Europe Ltd, and many others.  We were even brave enough to photograph Daleks from Doctor Who!

Post Code
CF38 1GA
Primrose Collections

Primrose Collections

01633 867717
(More feedback needed)

Primrose Collections based in South Wales offer debt collection and credit control services across Cardiff, Newport and South Wales.

S&R cleaning and maintenance services

Post Code
CF14 2QS
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Welsh Ice

Welsh Ice

02920 140 040

Welsh ICE is a large co-working innovation centre based in Caerphilly.

Business Address
Britannia House - Caerphilly Business Park - Van Road - Caerphilly. CF83 3GG
Post Code
CF83 3GG